24 May 2022

Chairing Aoteoroa New Zealand's Electoral Review

Deb Hart

In my family election day was exciting. I would accompany mum and dad to the polling booth - always Miramar Central School.  I would routinely ask them how they voted and they never would say.  Instead they told me it was a secret, which gave the moment intrigue.   

In the evening, we would gather around the tv.  Someone, usually my brother, was listening to the radio.  There was a newspaper with all the candidates and electorates and we would watch and listen as the results came in, marking off the electorates and together working out who was likely to be able to form a government.  No matter how late it was, we could stay up.

So imagine my joy in being asked to chair the review of New Zealand’s electoral laws.  

I wish my mum and dad could witness the groundwork they laid for me in ensuring I understood the importance of elections.

Looking forward to working with the panel and the secretariat and putting my all into this very special work.

To see the announcement, click HERE

To listen to my interview with Karen Hay on RNZ, click HERE

To listen to my interview with Mike Hosking on Newstalk ZB, click HERE