
Outgoing consumer advocacy chair calls for levy funding to keep council alive

08 Jul 2024

The demise of the Consumer Advocacy Council is disappointing for residential and small business consumers. Read why in Newsroom

READ Deb Hart

RNZ's The Panel

06 Jul 2024

I have now joined The Panel twice and the discussions are varied and expertly choreographed by Wallace Chapman and the RNZ team. It's a pleasure and a privilege to be a panel member. Have a listen to my most recent outing.


Independent Review of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2024

17 May 2024

Deborah Hart Consulting has again been appointed to undertake the independent review of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme. Submissions are now open. For more information on the review, click read.

READ Deb Hart

Power shortages and the future

10 May 2024

The power didn't go out, but we came perilously close. Talking to Kerre Woodham about what we should do.


Talking low fixed use charges in electricity pricing with Kathryn Ryan

11 Mar 2024

I spoke with Kathryn Ryan, Nine to Noon on need for affordable electricity for all and the impact of the removal of low fixed user charges.


Business as Unusual - what consumers want and need from their electricity system

05 Mar 2024

Keynote address given at the electricity sector's Downstream Conference

READ Deb Hart